sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

Robert Pattinson doesn't need pretend friends

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Robert Pattinson doesn't need people to pretend to be his friends.
Since Rob filmed Twilight he has become very close to Kristen Stewart, Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone so he doesn't really need more friends.

His best friends are still the friends he had when he was much younger, the lads who knew him before he was famous.
Although Rob acted alongside Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson in Harry Potter he didn't get to know them very well.
Daniel actually admitted that they weren't close in the press conference for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
He said: "I won't pretend we're best mates or knew each other really well but we really enjoyed working with each other, or at least I enjoyed working with him! He's doing brilliantly, which is fantastic.
"The thing that is interesting for me, is that Twilight is the only other franchise that comes close to Potter in terms of the mania that surrounds it, the attention that the leads get and just how global it is."
We actually think Dan's wrong to say that Twilight comes close to Potter as we think it's much bigger. Robert portrays Edward Cullen so well that we are sure New Moon will take more at the box office than Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

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